The story is not different, almost all singers both secular and gospel all had their nice beginning in the church. Words from Nigeria born, female Gospel music minister, Deborah Eneojo Samuel. On her exclusive celebrity of the week chat interview with Sammy Sas.
Sammy Sas: Pls can we meet you?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Yes! My name Deborah Enejo Samuel from Olamaboro local Govt of Kogi State, married to Engr Eneojo Samuel OGUCHE a mother of two and also a civil servant
Sammy Sas: Tell us about your early stage in life growing up?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: I started my primary school at holy family nursery/primary school at IDAH in kogi state, and my secondary school at Bishop delisle college lokoja, as a little girl then in the children church, I discovered that I have a flair for music so I will always sing in the children choir and later it became a hobby, so I was not surprised when the call of God came for me to go into music as a ministry. The story is not different, almost all singers both secular and gospel all had their nice beginning in the church
Sammy Sas: Nice, So when did you realised you wanted to do music professionally?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: It was sometimes in 2009, when I stated doing music professionally. In 2014 I heard God clearly one day in my house, I was all alone the children had gone to school I mean no single person in the house, I was in the bathroom I heard a voice that Deborah I gave you something and you refused to use it for me I was scared because no one was around and the same voice repeated in the dream so then I just knew this must be a call from God. And so I started putting my songs together and a time came he spoke again that I should put an album together
Sammy Sas: So tell us a little about your achievements / major moments since the inception of your professional career?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Each time this question of achievement comes I don’t really know how to answer it because in life, achievement depends on what your targets or dreams are, Just like apostle Paul said in the book of Phil 3 vs 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
so i keep on pressing but let me not deviate for so long, I will say that my achievement so far are the testimonies I receive each time I go to any church or program to minister
Sammy Sas: Awesome! So tell us with your experience so far in the Gospel industry, what do you think is the major challenge faced in the sector?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Really there are a lot of challenges but the major one is finance. Sincerely money answers all things including music. I have told myself that I will never compare myself or gospel music with secular but for the purpose of this question I will. you see the secular artiste can go to any lent even if is to take a bank loan to do his music but we Christians we won’t, you see the big guys in the society they can sponsor an artiste till he or she get to lime light but how many brethren in the christaindom are ready to do that, how many churches are ready to give you support, so much money to promote their work is their challenge
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Of what use is it when you do a song and you can’t push it, I even meet a guy, this boy has got talent when I stared speaking with him I realised he couldn’t even go to the studio to record his song and that is why you see some of them end up playing at clubs and so on
Sammy Sas: True that…
Sammy Sas: Do you think there is a way out?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Yes there is no worthy course that do not have a way out, now I think churches should know the importance of this ministry, yes! it actually a “help” ministry as it were but they should promote and help their own, some churches were never known but for the choirs. I don’t want to mention names here but there are some music group you listen to the next thing that comes to your mind is the church where they belong to. Above all God is the one in the center of it all, if he gives a vision he will also supply the provision so we should always look unto him, and sow good seeds into the lives of those ahead so that God can open his door of treasure to us. Like they say, what ever you place a value on, the virtue will drop on you
Sammy Sas: #Gbam, So if you were asked to do a collaboration with three secular artiste, who would you pick?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Hahahahahahaha wow ok if am to do a collabo as they call it, I will go for Celine Dion, R.Kelly and at home here I will go for flavour these three persons in my opinion are specially gifted
Sammy Sas: Hmmm
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Ohhhh my lucky dube of blessed memory that guy was a prophet and he had ability to play with witty words in his songs lyrics
Sammy Sas: So on a scale of 1-10 how well do you know you culture and tradition?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: On the scale of 9, I think I know my culture very well
Sammy Sas: Which ethnic group are you from?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: I am from the Igala ethnic group..
Sammy Sas: Which local meal can you prepare very well?
Deborah Eneojo Samue: I can prepare obo igogo very well obo igogo is one of our local delicacies benniseed soup. But I learnt other types of delicacies from some of my Calabar, Yoruba and Igbo friends especially ofu onubu which is bitter leaf soup. If I cook bitter leaf soup for you or okazi soup and cow leg, you will lick your fingers.
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Ohhh can’t wait, whenever you’re ready do let me know
Sammy Sas: So pls when can I come over to the house?
Sammy Sas: Ose!, So what your favourite meal?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Oje abacha and obo igogo hahahahahahaha oje is anything swallowable
Sammy Sas: OMG!!! am so so coming to pay you a visit, Lol, So what’s your favourite colour?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: You always welcome, Yes my favourite colour is pink
Sammy Sas: Who is your favourite public speaker?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Pastor Joel osteen, Back home here is Mike Ozekhome
Sammy Sas: Do you believe in speaking in tongues?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Very well
Sammy Sas: Why?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Because I read in the scriptures that the apostles spoke in an unknown tongue, I also believe that it is the heavenly language
Sammy Sas: Apart from Jesus, who is your favourite character in the Bible?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: If I say Deborah one may think its because we share same name but I just love that woman each time I read about her, i feel an inner strength seeking expression in me, she was a very courageous woman she dared what all men feared, she was a total woman strong in and out. A judge, mother, prophetess, a warrior and she was very smart and articulate.
Sammy Sas: What’s your favourite Bible verse?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: John 8 vs32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Jesus is the truth he sets free
Sammy Sas: If you were to be animal, which would you be?
Sammy Sas: What’s your favourite quote?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Scriptural or from any other book?
Sammy Sas: Any other book?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: If music be the food of love play on- William Shakespeare
Sammy Sas: So how can your fans reach you on social media?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Facebook- Deborah eneojo Samuel twitter @deborah instagram Deborah samuel
Sammy Sas: So what your advice to aspiring and upcoming music ministers?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Upcoming artiste pls let’s remove the idea of “getting rich quick” from our minds because if things don’t really go the way we wanted we may be tempted to jump to secular, secondly stay spiritually connected to divinity to avoid temptations of all kinds. As I always say; a prayerless singer will soon begin to praise men to stay afloat.
Sammy Sas: So your final words to you fan’s in diaspora?
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: Stay blessed and rapture able and remember there can never be me without you so keep praying for me, I love you all
Sammy Sas: Thank you so much for your time
Deborah Eneojo Samuel: You welcome
Sammy Sas: I know you must have enjoyed Our Celebrity interview Of the Week, Therefore make it a date with me next week on your No1 Urban Gospel blog for participation and inquiries call/whatsapp +2347068211976 Facebook Sammy SAS Twitter @RealSammySAS. have a glorious week ahead. You will be fine. Deuces You can Support Us here, by sharing this Celebrity Interview, to your Social Media Profiles, Through our Social Media Buttons Below the Articles. Remain Blessed.
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